CITY of VACAVILLE - NEW Business License Application
What you need to know to get started.
1. Business licenses are renewed Starting March 1, each year. New business year starts March 1st.
2. Business start date is the first date your business started in the City.
3. Employee identification #is REQUIRED for Corporation, LLC LLP, etc. Sole owner or partnerships are required to provide social security,
Driver License, or other government ID.
4. If the business is a home based business located within the city limits of Vacaville, by signing this application the applicant is stating that the property owner
is aware of this business being run from the address listed.
5. Payment will not be required until your application has been accepted. You will receive an email verifying the receipt of application.
Within 30 days an email containing the amount due and instructions how to make payment on-line.
If your account is paperless licenses will be emailed out every Monday (unless holiday), paper licenses are mailed out the first week of every month.
6. Per AB 2184, you may protect your residential address by providing a different Service of Process address in accordance with Sections 16000.1(a)(2)
and 16100.1(a)(2) of the Business and Professions Code. To do so, please Apply in person - you may not apply online.
7. Assembly Bill 3002 went into effect on January 1, 2019, which provides information regarding disability access requirements and resources to business owners.
To read the full notice in English, click HERE. To view in other languages click HERE.